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Group Leader

I got my Bachelor's degree in Biology (1994), and my Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (1997) at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. I moved to the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) for a postdoctoral position (1999-2001). Here I started to work in the cell cycle and mitosis field focused to understand the molecular mechanisms of the mitotic kinase Plk1, under the supervision of C. Gonzalez.I returned to Spain in 2002 and joined the Spanish National Cancer Center (CNIO) as a "Ramon y Cajal" tenure. Here, I continued working in mitotic kinases evaluating its physiological relevance by making several genetically modified mouse strains, under the supervision of M. Malumbres. After 16 years at the CNIO as a senior staff scientist, in 2018 I obtained a permanent position in the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and became the Head of the CCCB lab the Cancer Biology Department of the "Alberto Sols" Biomedical Research Institute (IIBm). I am interested in the possibility to improve human health, using the latest tools developed by molecular and cell biology technologies, and apply them to medical therapies and diagnostic tools for cancer. Our research is focused on the cell cycle and cell division machinery and how is interconnected to cancer processes.

Key Words: Mitosis, Cell Cycle, Cancer, Oncogenes, Tumor Suppressors, Cancer Biomarkers, Aneuploidy, Chromosomal Instability, Mouse Models, CRISPR.

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